Goal of the committee: That the Commons Room be used in a way that benefits the community, for small, medium and large events of various sorts and that we clarify practices and policies so that there is equity in its use.
- Anne Aaboe (Chair, building 9)
- Alix Schwartz (ARB representative, building 7)
- Beatriz Motta (Building 1)
- Chi Kao (Building 3)
- David Beausoleil (building 5)
- Nate Bartley (building 9)
- Peter Hoseman (building 1)
Current Activity (as of April 25, 2021)
- Seeking help for sound baffling
- Current Use of Commons Room/Scheduling
- Commons Room Committee Plans/Timeline
HELP SOUGHT: Sound Baffling
We have so much knowledge and expertise in our community and would like to draw upon that, if possible, to help the Commons Room Committee address the issue of noise in the Commons Room. What are some ways to reduce echo within the room and reduce sound traveling through the ceiling to the unit(s) above? If you are willing and able, please let me know.
Everyone who uses the Commons Room must have a reservation.
COMMONS ROOM COMMITTEEWe had a great meeting today and came up with a number of topics we would like to address. Thanks to all committee members (see below for a list).
High Priority – We will address these first.
- Sound baffling of the room (Hoping for a community volunteer)
- Clarifying Practices/Policies/Guidelines for the room. (Chi and Beatriz will work on this)
- Building the B-B-Q (Peter, Nate and Jules will work on this)
To be Prioritized
- Furniture / Storage / Walls
- More fold up tables, for example
- Replace couch and chairs, for example
- Develop an inventory of items and places to store them.
- Where do we put the history of Presentation High School?
- What else goes on the walls? (could overlap with sound baffling)
- Equipment
- Audio/visual equipment
- Games
- Wi-fi
- Fundraising